Here are my frequent reads, visits, or listens as far as content goes. I don't relaly use social media in any form these days. I've essentially removed any infinitely scrolling app or site from my world. I check in using RSS or when I remember to check. I even follow Youtube channels I care about on RSS.
Items are in random order.
Kottke: Opinionated pop culture stuff.
Bjango: Great UI/Icon designer I've seen. More technical craft and knowledge than anyone.
Brian Lovin: Designer at Github has nice articles, and a great primer on investing.
Go Make Things: Good intro and mid level JavaScript knowledge
Hakim: Visual designer/dev, cool animation demos.
Joel Hooks: Dev with good articles on random stuff.
The Lost Art Press: Independent woodworking publisher.
Maggie Appleton: Illustrator/Art Director that does great development based illustrations.
Paul Stamatiou: Designer/Photographer from Twitter, lots of gear and tech posts. Cool travel photos.
Tania Rascia: Dev with great articles on code. She also changes her site layout ~2x a month fun to watch.
Tailwind Labs: Tailwind demos and tutorials.
Colossal: Random Art Stuff
tecmath: Learn to calculate % in your head and a million other math tricks.
Zach Leatherman: Dev behind 11ty working at Netlify.
I use Youtube as entertainment and a serious educational tool to learn new skills and solve problems I run into.
Media Division: Very technical recreation of classic camera and lens setups.
Mike Farrington: Master cabinet and furniture maker, dude is crazy detailed and fun to watch his process.
Baumgartner Restoration: Watch a guy restore very old paintings.
Blender Secrets: More Blender tips in 30 seconds than you will get from hours of other folks.
Bobbo Andonova: Character artist, learn how to draw faces, etc.
Bruce Yeany: High school science, physics, chemistry.
Engineer Guy: You will never look at aluminum cans the same way again.
Every Frame a Painting: Commentary on film.
Game Maker's Toolkit: Analysis of video game mechanics.
Kenji López-Alt: First person view of a professional chef cooking at home.
Girlfriend Reviews: Matt and Shelby crack me up and I watch them on Twitch regularly.
TL;DR: Advanced JavaScript concepts
Crafsman SteadyCraftin: Mr. Rodgers + Bob Ross + occasional cajun cooking. Also how to make molds and stuff.
Workphlo: Product photography with 1 light.
Kurzgesagt: Science and philosophy set to cartoons.
Lessons from the Screenplay: Writing commentary on film.
Paul Sellers: Learn to use hand tools for woodworking.
Ian Hubert: Extremely funny window into an expert Blender user.
I rotate podcasts constantly but these are things that are either in my feed currently or memorable enough to list.
ATP: I don't listen to every episode but I generally like hearing their tech talking points.
The Talk Show: I enjoy hearing John's opinion and the guests he brings don't always agree with him which is nice.
The Incomparable: Pop culture critique, fun take on tv, movies, books, music from fellow nerds.
Cautionary Tales: Stories about people messing up.
99% Invisible: Stories about design, most don't turn out like you think they will.
Liftoff: Space stuff little bit history but mostly new space content.
After On: Interview podcast with experts in emerging fields. Lots of big ideas here.
Roderick on the Line: Stories about nothing. I have laughed and cried more during this show than any other.
Upgrade: Current Apple tech commentary.
You're Wrong About: Two journalists retro on past media events.
What Trump Can Teach Us About Con Law: Reminds me of my media law class in college.
Hypercritical: Apple nerd criticising Apple.
Dithering: This is a paid podcast (link is to the preview feed). Very critical thinking applied to tech and politics.
Hello Internet: Two nerds talk about stuff.
Against the Rules: What happened to fairness?