Every job I've had comes with and email account running on Microsoft Exchange. I cannot escape the long grasp of Exchange accounts.
My newest work computer came with Microsoft Outlook (version 15.15) installed on the machine. So I gave it a shot. It was amazing compared to older Microsoft software and I was drawn to the idea of keeping work email and personal email siloed in separate applications.
I quickly found that there was not a keyboard shortcut for moving messages to the Archive folder. This was no good. And Microsoft; WTF. There is a swipe to archive gesture in the mobile version of Outlook so I know you know this is a common action.
I wanted to be able to hit my old trusty Mail.app shortcut ⌘ + control + a to archive messages. I am happy to annouce I have succeeded.
Rules>Edit Rules
form the toolbar.Client Rules
and then clicking the + near the bottom of rule list on the right.Archive
and set the When a new message arrives:
to All messages
.Under Do the following
select Move message
for the first dropdown and the name of your archive folder for the second dropdown.
folder before starting this rule making process.Enabled
checkbox so the rule doesn't run all the time without stopping.Keyboard
from the tabs at the top.App Shortcuts
from the left list.Application
dropdown choose Microsoft Outlook
.Menu Title
type the name of the rule exactly as it appears in the menu. (Use Archive
if you are following these notes exactly)Add
and close System Prefrences.This method of adding shortcuts on a Mac works for any item accesible from a menu in any Application. I generally don't add a lot of custom key commands but repetive tasks need automation.
I also added ⌘ + shift + d to Outlook to Send
the current draft message to match Mail.app.
The recent updates to Outlook break any shortcuts set to the Rules